Local Storehouse Policies & Terms

Membership Agreement —

Welcome to our private membership association.…

In order to join, add a 1 Year Membership to the cart and checkout. All members relinquish their ‘public’ status and understand that the business is taking place among ‘private citizens’, therefore generally un-regulated by local, state, and federal regulations. See more info on our “ABOUT” page. 

CANCELING RESERVATIONS: reservations CANNOT be CANCELED after Friday. Instead, please reach out to schedule an alternative pickup time.

TRADE TERMS: As a PMA, we agree to work outside the traditional business/customer system, and agree to trade goods and services amongst each other as friends.

We prefer trades of Cash, but offer Vemno under $500 in special circumstances.

We also offer Gift Cards paid for in cash, and pre-approved trades & barters.

Herd Share Terms —

Herd shares give you the right to share in the milk that the herds produce. You will also be responsible to pay a Maintenance Fee (Maintenance Fee= the dollar amount listed in the online store as the price per gallon/half-gallon) based on the amount of milk for which you reserve in the online store. This fee helps to defray the cost of your share of the herd. This certificate does not entitle you to any responsibility or say in any treatment, etc... that any part of the herd might need. The dairy farm families, as the majority share holders and managers will retain all rights to make any and all decisions about buying, selling, medical treatment, feeding, etc... for the herd. They also retain all ownership of offspring of the herd. Local Storehouse, nor any dairy farmer is responsible for any positive or negative health claims resulting from you being a part of this herd share.

Herd Share Fee —

The Herd Share fee is covered by your Local Storehouse Membership Fee.

Barring unusual circumstances, approved by Local Storehouse in writing, milk can not be held past your scheduled pick up day. 

Reservations for your milk will be made on a weekly basis, or via a monthly subscription, in the amount you need. No minimum required. 

If at any time, you have concerns or questions, please do not hesitate to express them.

By reserving provisions through LocalStorehouse.com, you, the member, agree to all stipulations and agreement of payment set forth in the above paragraphs.

Private Members Buying Club —

Under constitutional protection (the due process liberty clause of the 5th and 14th Amendments), grants its members the right to associate, the right to privacy and the right to conduct ‘business’ among its members, in the private domain. The ‘business’ that the association undertakes, is considered a private contractual agreement among the members, and is protected by private domain rights.  All members relinquish their ‘public’ status and understand that the business is taking place among ‘private citizens’, therefore generally un-regulated by local, state, and federal regulations. All monies received are non-deductible donations. 

These Terms are subject to change at anytime without notice

UPDATED: 1/25/25