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Homestead Morning Crunch Cereal (3 variations)

Homestead Morning Crunch Cereal (3 variations)

Regular price $8.00
Regular price Sale price $8.00
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If you've read the research, you already know that standard boxed cereals are some of the most dangerous foods to eat from the grocery store. Laden with toxic chemicals and industrial farming methods, the childhood breakfast most of us grew up with simply isn't fit to feed to our families. Sadly, there aren't a lot of alternatives.

Mary, from Mitchell Farm (Lewisburgh, TN), set out to fix that! With simple, wholesome ingredients, their motto is "Live Well - Eat Clean", and their cereal brings a delightful memory of simple mornings and filled bellies. Their Vanilla Almond variation of Homestead Morning Crunch Cereal really nailed the texture and flavor of cereal, and by using only organic ingredients, at an affordable price, Luca can have that second bowl.

INGREDIENTS: *whole wheat, grass-fed milk, *cane sugar, 'almonds, vanilla extract, *apple cider vinegar, baking soda, sea salt.

Each order includes 8 ounces of wholesome cereal

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